Thursday, June 30, 2011

I Need A "Substitute"

No, not a substitute substitute. I think, and I feel that I need to own a pair of "Substitute!"!!!

This is Substitute's first and only installation in the super fa-shoe-nable online shoe haven, Solestruck at the moment. Dubbed as "Club Kid," I anticipate heads turning, eyes rolling down, and people falling onto your feet to check where the height is coming from. As solestruck puts it, "CLUB KID is not messing around." It's serious, and by serious, I mean 4 1/2" heel and 4" platform --- "full throttle flatform madness," indeed.

Personally, the whole "flatform" idea attracts me; not to mention that this will be a great "substitute" for the vertically challenged club.

Adding to Cart in 5---4---3---2---

Will I be a Club Kid member? ;)


The Resurrection of my "blog." I HOPE!!!

Wow. It's been a while. Kind of makes me feel brand new in this game once more. Give that some looooong pauses in between these words I type. Haha.

Anyway. Maybe, I need to push myself. And since it's the first day of the month (we're on 7th and I'm like what happened to the first sem?!), I thought I should post something to get me started.

And just the right inspiration popped out of my screen:
I know the summer line's on sale and it's been raining, but its not like our weather's gon' reach some negative fahrenheit. So YAYYY to dresses. And fingers crossed for shoes that fit.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jeff Killed Cheens

Some minutes ago, I was gonna blog abt how therapeutic and accessible online "window" shopping was. I managed to make a few purchases and even if I didn't get to buy everything I saw, I know I was fine.

UNTIL I checked solestruck and saw these gorgeously sick plats I'd love to wear...
JC Benched
.. I swear, if only JC was super updated as madden is here in f'lip @___@ my feet would be partying ^____^

Also fell in love with JC El Carmen:
The pink and red polka was cute, but I prefer this version. GAAAAAHHHH!!! Have mercy on my bank account.

Oh for the record, didn't purchase any of the two. Saving for MID Year Super Shopping Spree. ;)


I'll be going on a "roadtrip" with my super friends this weekend --- as in a few hours. If ever I don't get to update on rants, sights and whatnot, it means that our presidential suite-vip treatment (lmaooo) has been compromised by the bad wifi connection (i hope not; i really have high hopes). This experience wouldn't be made possible if it weren't for my friend whose husband works as an exec chef.

Mars Got No WiFi

It's been ages since my last outfit post. Got lazy coz boyf's not around to take my pictures - lame, lame, lame. I know. And I feel bad coz its kind of a let down to those who decided to follow my blog. So, sorry 'bout that. No promises, but will lure myself to get hooked once more. ;) Thanks to Denise's hard push, i'm back to blogging.

Anyhow, I think I managed to get decent photos courtesy of Denise and our coffee dates, strolls and whatnots. So yay! This was dated way back first hits of march when we sort of discussed bout our recent shoot and some future plans. (see denise's for date reference... lmaooo)

Anywayhigwaymyway, keeping this rather short - coz obviously, there's a lot of catching up I hafta make! >.<


Monday, April 4, 2011

Lusting over Jeffrey Campbells

I still haven't satisfied my JC cravings. It's been forever, and now here comes another set to join my long list: Lana & Ford. Saw this on solestruck, and died -___- and i just had to share, else it'll hunt me in my dreams --- shoegasmic dreams. @___@


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog Make-over.

Hi Loves! Yes. Still bummed out. Yes. Still no uploads. But now, I am thinking of change. I am thinking of makeover-ing my blog. :D so just keep your hopes up. and i'll be done and uploading in no time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Maternal Leave Much?!

Yes. One day I'm in, the following days I'm out. IKR.

I've been up and down in 2011's first two months. And I can't end the second month without posting and updating. I know that my blog doesn't really go as far as million followers, but I just wanna keep those who clicked "follow" posted with what has been for the simplest reason that their simple gesture is very much appreciated. And I really do apologize for the lack of update.

Anyway, pictures overload coming right up in the following posts.

Much love,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, New Friend

So we've completed the first half of 2011's first month roll. I have been going through lots of ups and downs. And so to help me cope with all these, my friends along with my boyfriend's friends helped me list down things I would be doing/trying on my own. It was like seeking growth apart from my partner - which is healthy for our relationship as it would take our maturity a notch higher than just relying too much on each other.

Part of my list was to meet new friends. This was suggested by my boyfriend's friend who said: "why not try meeting new friends or at least try making new ones from old acquaintances." And I was like, "hello, as if I'm not friends with my "acquaintances". And tell me, how the hey am I supposed to meet someone new? I'm not in school anymore, yadah-yadah-yadah."

A week after - who would've thought that this would be the first to be crossed out from the list.

Last Tuesday, Denise and I have finally seen each other face to face. We started to exchange messages regarding collaborations and all that late December. And I never really expected that, from just plain collaboration, I'd find a friend in her. Not that I was all choosy-cat, and was not being friendly, but I just didn't expect that she would gracefully touch my heart.

Denise, apart from having a great balance of style and comfort, is a sweet person. Having done meet-ups for the very first time, I came empty handed. While she came all prepared. I swear, I blushed and flushed from my seat when she handed me a cute bag with a cute notepad, ring, and a sweet note. :)

And yes Denise, I will make it up to you... whether you like it or not ;)

We had dinner at Breton. And excuse the empty plates --- we were so into getting-to-know each other that we both forgot to at least take photos of our meet-up's highlights. She had a sandwich while I had the good old crepe. The dinner was lovely, and I'm glad that she liked her sandwich.

When the day has come to an end, we asked the server to take pictures of us -- and how I wish I just brought my digicam instead of the bulky slr. Kuya waiter, I think, struggled and I totally forgot to adjust the settings, so excuse the crappy lighting.
Anyway, here are some snaps I grabbed from Denise:
just when we said: "kuya whole body"
both in denim and print :P
I opted to dress comfortably in jeans and shirt coz of the girl thing. Added the floral blazer to spice things up a bit. And when I saw Denise in a denim maxi - and striped top, I'm like, "okay, i think I dressed down too much." But I'm glad that wasn't what she saw. *wink*

Denise is really a great person with such an endearing personality.

Check her out at  Simone's Fashion Closet to get to know her a bit more. And you might want to visit  Simone's Closet for great fashion finds that wont hurt your budget.

Later Loves

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello, 2011!

Dex & Cheens
The Photographer & His Girl